A6 Flyers and Leaflets Printing

From: £24

Please set up your artwork to the following specifications:

  • Size with bleed: 154mm x 111mm
  • Resolution: 300 dpi minimum
  • Format: PDF or JPEG
  • Colour: CMYK (RGB/Pantones will be converted)
  • Fonts: Outlined or Embedded
  • Bleed: 3mm
  • Safe Zone: 3mm
  • No printer marks

PLEASE NOTE: Artwork uploaded in my account area or submitted via e-mail before 1.00pm is guaranteed to be proofed before 4.00pm artwork submitted after 1.00pm may be proofed after the cut off, which can delay your order.

Start Design

Total: £24

Free UK mainland shipping on all orders

  • Proof should be approved before 5pm to receive your order by the expected delivery date. Approval received after 5pm will be delayed by a working day from the selected delivery time.
  • Only one design can be used per item and the quantity cannot be divided into multiple designs.
Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Promote your business and reach more customers with customised marketing materials from www.rush-print.co.uk. At Rushprint, we provide professional and quality Flyers and Leaflets printing services for all types of businesses. Our A6 Flyers and Leaflets are available in printed double or single-sided with a selection of stocks and paperweights. We stock a range of papers with different density levels, including 120gsm Uncoated, 130gsm, 150gsm, 250gsm, 350gsm and 450gsm in order to provide you with a variety of marketing options.

  • Finished Size: 148mm x 105mm
  • Print: Four colour process (CMYK)
  • Delivery: Included in price.
  • Turnaround times: Everything in your order must be signed off by 4.00pm or your order will be delayed until every item is approved.

We use a combination of digital and litho methods to allow us to give you the best price we can. As a general rule of thumb, print runs up to 500 are printed digitally while runs above 500 will be printed litho but this cannot be guaranteed.

Artwork can be uploaded before checking out or after placing the order via MY ACCOUNT page or emailed to [email protected].

Note: Only one design can be used per item and the quantity cannot be divided into multiple designs.